DGST 101

Open Source Intel and Operational Security – DGST 101: Week 11

What do you think about exam proctoring online? 

The idea of online exam proctoring never really set off any red flags in my head just because it is so normalized. Someone you trust, like your school or university, is trying to make sure you are not cheating on a test. You know you are an honest person, so you might not see an issue with the system. But by allowing video monitoring of yourself, you give up a lot of privacy. First of all, they have access to what my house/bedroom/office looks like. The idea of my professor, let alone a stranger, seeing that is quite weird. There are some ever creepier versions of exam proctoring that track your eye movements; how weird is that! The scariest part is that I do not know who has access to that video feed or even for how long. Not only does your camera track you, but as Dr. H briefly mentioned, Canvas tracks you a lot. I knew Canvas could track you during tests/quizzes (seeing when you answer questions, which tabs you click on, etc.), but I did not realize how far Canvas actually went. Luckily for me, I have never had to be proctored for an online exam because I think that is quite creepy, but I know many people who have had to.

Does digital technology take away too much privacy?

Not only do I think digital technology takes away too much privacy, but it is also hard to know what privacy is being taken away. Similar to terms of services, digital privacy (or lack thereof) is unknown to people, so they may not understand how at-risk they are. For example, Dr. H mentioned in his lecture that, using metadata, the IT department confirmed an honor code violation. Although this is not the best example, it shows that the person breaking the honor code did not know about the IT department’s access to their account or information. Obviously, I am not encouraging honor code violations, but it is an easy example to use. Another example could be if there is information out there about me or someone has hacked me, and I have no idea. I think there need to be more digital privacy tools that are easy to understand and readily available to the general public. 

Picture of surveillance camera.